We get a lot of questions about knee pain while squatting or lunging. This may be something you experience while exercising or in daily life. If so, this simple solution could offer much needed relief.

Check out these tips and stories to help you maintain and improve your fitness. FITFOREVER is the choice to discover your best body and your best life.
We get a lot of questions about knee pain while squatting or lunging. This may be something you experience while exercising or in daily life. If so, this simple solution could offer much needed relief.
If you asked a hundred people what their New Year’s resolution was, the response from the vast majority would have something to do with fitness. We all know we need to exercise for overall health and wellbeing (whether we actually do it or not is a different story) and current research points to the ability to prevent certain diseases and even postpone the negative effects of aging for decades through exercise.
By now, you’ve probably noticed that exercise tubing plays a starring role in many of our workouts. At FITFOREVER, we’re big fans of that simple, little piece of equipment and for very good reason.
Most of us know that the body can deteriorate and wear down with age. But, as my good friend Chris Crowley, co-author of the NYT bestselling Younger Next Year series, says — you can basically halt that decline until your late 80s or 90s with diet and exercise.