What Happens to Your Energy Levels When You Start Working Out?

What happens if you do: Enhanced vigor and mental clarity, and more capacity for exercise.  What happens if you don’t:  That dull-and-sluggish feeling One in four people suffers from general fatigue that’s not associated with a serious medical condition. You’re beat, for no particular reason. It may sound strange, but science shows that expending energy… Read more »

FITFOREVER digital fitness program for active adults

Bone and Joint Health: Training Your Brain to Commit to Exercise

We know we should. We feel ashamed and guilty when we don’t. We notice the external signs of an out-of-shape body — abs in absentia, thighs as dimpled as loaves of Wonder Bread, buttocks that are pendulous instead of perky, and jiggling “Hi, Betty” upper arm, rather than defined triceps. Training your brain to commit to… Read more »

woman ready to exercise on mat and ipad in kitchen area fitforever online personalized fitness programs

Will Exercise Improve My Mental Health and Mood?

What happens if you do: You can put a serious dent in chronic depression and anxiety What happens if you don’t: You may become unnecessarily dependent on antidepressant and anxiety medications that have side effects.